Black&White and Gold - the exhibition

The exhibition us under way with the Private View well attended yesterday evening. The response to the wide variety of styles I have been able to show as a result of the compartmentalised nature of the gallery lay-out has been extremely positive. Unsurprisingly, in a collection of over 50 images, the number of 'favourites' is quite large and varied, but appear to fall into two camps: those who prefer the traditional black and white images or colour landscapes, and those who like the challenge of the more experimental work. 

Today, a family came in to the gallery with three small children (probably 3 to 7 years old). Their response to the backlit photographs was very rewarding as they relished the fun of finding animals and faces within the abstract patterns. Maybe abstract work isn't merely for the adult or 'sophisticated' viewer after all!

So far, so good.